Planning to Resign?
Take Vocational Aptitude Tests First!

Stop Yourself from Doing Something You’ll Later Regret

Get Guidance for the Right Career Decisions with Vocational Aptitude Tests

At this point, taking Vocational Aptitude Tests may be the last thing on your mind. Your stuff is packed, your resignation letter is ready, and you’ve willed yourself to resist any negotiation tactics your boss has in his arsenal. You just want to quit your job because you’ve had enough. You’re drained. You’re bored. You feel like life is just passing you by.

Hold up!

Before you make a decision that you’ll later regret, why don’t you engage the services of a vocational counselor first?

When your emotions are at a high, it’s easy to make snap career decisions that you’ll later regret. Remember, the economy is terrible, and jobs are scarce. Pay cheques are getting smaller and smaller over the years. You’re already settled in; you have work, there’s food on the table --- there’s no need to rock the boat. The grass may not be greener on the other side of the fence.

You need some good old fashioned soul searching

Ask your counselor to give you a couple of job aptitude tests. These are psychological exams that measure your inclinations and competencies for different kinds of jobs. The word aptitude comes from the Spanish word “aptitudo” which means “fit.” A vocational aptitude test can help you find out whether you are in the right line of work or whether a career re-think should be in the cards. Test results, plus the experience of an excellent vocational counseling professional, is better decision-making that merely is reacting from your gut.

What can you expect from vocational aptitude tests?

There’s no one specific answer to this as there are many kinds of career aptitude tests, and each type approaches the dilemma from a different perspective.

Personality traits: Some tests act like your regular personality inventory; it asks you where you fall on the spectrum of two opposing personality traits. Afterwards, based on your profile, the test would assign you to which job or profession you fit in best. If you tend towards quiet and reserved, for example, and are far from being a people person, then perhaps being a writer or a store inventory clerk is more your line of work. If you’re gregarious and eager to be where the crowd is, then you can be an event planner, maybe even a campaign manager for a famous politician. The rationale is: different jobs require different dispositions, and you need to find out which role fits yours.

Abilities: Other job aptitude tests measure abilities instead of personality traits. When you take them, they would feel no different from your SATs, or even the qualifying exam you chose when you first applied for the company. These tests try to surface where you’re good at. Are you good at diffusing conflicts among your friends and family? Then a divorce mediator may be an excellent career choice for you. Are you an achiever when it comes to the sciences? Then perhaps a biologist or a chemist, depending on your orientation. If you’re good at designing a room and mixing/matching colors, maybe then you can be an interior decorator.

Your Environment: Lastly, vocational aptitude tests can measure the kinds of environments and people that you might enjoy working in and with. While the first two types of aptitude tests focus on variables within the person, this type focuses on variables in the work setting. Do you like working in chaotic environments where there’s a lot of adrenaline rush going? Then perhaps you can make a killing at the stock market. If you prefer neat and organized work environments, then maybe emergency settings are not your cup of tea. The point is: you must be in a job that resonates with your likes and preferences; otherwise you’ll go crazy in no time.

In conclusion, don’t resign from your place of work on an impulse. Bad career decisions impact your life as a whole, will make you deeply unhappy, and may even keep you broke for months and months. Instead, approach the problem with a level head. Consult a vocational counselor and ask for occupational aptitude tests. The more informed a decision you make, the better off you’ll be.

Practice with Free Aptitude Tests

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