IQ tests can vary considerably in the individual

by Jessica

I can personally attest that IQ scores can vary considerably. I have taken an IQ test three times in my life. I took it once as a child and scored 128. I took the test once as a teenager and scored just a little over 130. I took it the last time at the age of 22 and broke 140. Now I don't believe I got any smarter, I just attained more knowledge through education. I should add at this point that the last time I took it I had just completed two years of intensive and challenging visual arts education. After spending so much time developing my right brain abilities I could remember more number strings by visually grouping them. The spacial block puzzles became easier, and I could find the what's wrong with this picture items more quickly. To sum it up education obviously can cause you to score higher on an IQ test, but is your IQ really higher? I will agree that an IQ test can tell you if you are above average or mentally handicapped, but beyond that I don't know. I should also mention at this point that due to my score of 128 I was kept out of gifted until I was retested in high school. In order to be in gifted at that time you needed a score of 130. It seems to me that I was kept from reaching a higher IQ until a later date in my education because I was passed over for extra educational challenges due to two IQ points. I think this is something educators should be more aware of. Grade school, middle school, and most of high school were as a result of this exclusion very boring for me.

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IQ may be test affected
by: Anonymous

I took a number of IQ tests and on some my scores were very high and a few 20 points lawyer. You either have been exposed to the material or not. I think you can train to score better.

Dumbing Down
by: Anonymous

I was tested in kindergarten and asked if I wanted to skip a grade. My IQ 140 . Then in third grade I was tested again. My IQ 161. I was told I didn't pass the test for the gifted program . Did the school dumb me down ? How many points of IQ can drop before college?

I think so too
by: Anonymous

I think so too. I experienced the same thing. My IQ was 130 when i was 10 now its 142. I think its because i can understand the questions clearly now. Idk for english speaking people but for those of us whose aren't native speakers IQ score depends a lot more on our level of understanding what the person is asking rather than the questions itself. As we grow older and learn better english our scores get better. It may have been constant all this while or it may have changed with education but all i know is that atleast the score changes.

tests vary
by: Anonymous

I took about 6 different iq tests online and the score varies from 85 to 143 score, I think iq tests are subjective and are not accurate because if I take the high iq score it means I am really intelligent to a point and if I take the low score it means I am an idiot, so I think iq scores are subjective to the point they are taken and if you ever take an iq test and know the perimeters of what is to be expected you will do good and if you have never taken an iq test before it is alien and so are the testing questions.

Point spread seems reasonable
by: Anonymous

A 12 point spread between the different tests doesn't seem unreasonable to me. 128 and 140 are both quite a bit above average. I tested at 135 in third grade, 140 in 5th grade and 140 as an adult.

Your IQ doesnt change
by: Anonymous

Your iq DOES NOT change as you grow older, it remains constant. If you are ten and get a good score it is not going to improve!!!

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