94th percentile

by Juls

I took an official Mensa test 2 years back under distress conditions. Eg:(Having a headache). Despite the bad headache, I obtained a score of 137 which puts me in the 94th percentile. Though i was not offered the membership.

Felt like a loser man... geez...

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Don't sweat it
by: Anonymous

Memsa takes only 98th percentile and up, but they acknowledge that your scores can deviate a great deal depending on the test you take. So they'll accept that 98th percentile on a wide range of different tests.

If you check out Mensa's site, you'll see a list of tests they'll accept, including tests you may have taken in grade school. Check out your transcript or contact a representative about taking a similar test for eligibility.

Don't cop out with the headache, use this as an oppurtunity to learn from and study up before taking your next test.

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