Air Craft Can't Lift Off Face of the Moon

by Mr.X
(Ny Ny)

Neither air craft could lift off the face of the moon as the fuel is gravity fed and there is no gravity on the moon.

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You guys are nuts
by: Anonymous

Of course the Moon has gravity, 1/6th of Earth's. An airplane couldn't take off on the Moon because there's no atmosphere to generate lift. A balloon would just explode in the vacuum of space, unless you made it ridiculously strong, like out of Kevlar.

Air craft?
by: Anonymous

Sorry to burst your bubble but aircraft are not gravity feed fuel systems in all cases, an aircraft has lifted of from the moon it was rocket fired. However airplanes,and helicopters will not lift off because the air density is to thin, on the other hand balloons are also aircraft and should have no problem depending on the type gas or temperature of gas used the goodyear blimp would have no problem.

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