And on top of all this!

by Austin

Most IQ test measure acquired knowledge, not innate. For example, I recently took a Mensa test, and i couldn't help but laugh! I was bombarded by questions like... The fallowing scrambled word spells the name of: *******.

An ocean

An animal

A city

A country

Well, what if I don't know my oceans, animals, cities, countries vary well? Does that make me inherently stupid; i think not? It seems that not even Mensa can measure ones intelligence, not that it can be done in the first place.

Furthermore, what about people with learning disabilities like ADHD, or dyslexia and the like? These conditions don't effect one's traditionally defined intelligence in any way. They simply lack concentration (ADHD/ADD) or the ability to sequence letters in the correct order (Dyslexia). And yet, they would seem intellectually inferior because something as linear as an IQ test is simply unable to take such factors/stressors into account.

I wish people would realize that there are far more important traits than intelligence; like drive, responsibility, motivation, perseverance. After all, you wont get far in life with mere cognitive ability alone.

P.S. I usually score anywhere from 140 to 160 on IQ tests,(not that it matters of course) so don't accuse me of being biased.

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