How Brain Exercises Improve Our IQ Score?

by Linda


Do you know that brain exercises and problem solving can increase our knowledge intake?

There are certain brain activities and tests that can help us to make progress intellectually and we can notice changes take place.

There is fluid stimulation that will give stamina that we need to process information quickly and to converse with others. There are brain exercises that will help us to take in knowledge for longer periods of time, understand implications, apply what we know to an activity, participate in abstract thinking, and do things effectively. As we enhance our IQ score we can enhance your overall being!

Our brain requires nutrients, oxygen, activity, and good sleep. Learning something new or adjusting to an unfamiliar environment will improve our mental acuity which in turn improves our level of intelligence. Learning a new language, playing games, enhancing our skills, interacting with new people, reading, and writing will exercise our brain. It’s similar to physical exercise in the sense that it requires us to change up our routine.

When we don’t use certain muscles in our body and the limbic and cortex within our brain, we are only using certain muscles and brain cells.

Have you ever noticed that when you get scared or nervous, you feel energized?

That’s because we don’t experience those feelings often and when those chemicals are released into our body and our brain we will react effectively. Our IQ level enhances as we use different brain exercises.

While using High IQ Pro I learned that puzzles and brainteasers contained therein help us to exercise our brains and stimulate the growth of new cells. It lead to improvement in creative thinking. We often use our short term memory with a brief “to-do list” and when we stimulate this memory everyday we force ourselves to use different neurons. As the supplementation of chemicals in our brains is released it increases overall performance.

Brain exercises release Creatine, and Creatine is similar to an amino acid which plays a part in maintaining activity within our brains.

High IQ Pro provides brain interval training that steadily increases our cognition that fits conveniently into any schedule.

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