How Can I Make Money?

by Hamish Hamilton
(Edinburgh, Scotland)

Hello Saqib,

I have been looking over your website the past week as I am interested in creating a website on resume writing, which is quite competitive industry. I can see that career tests is something that is related, but not direct competition. I have downloaded some of the SBI documentation and it sounds interesting.

You have quite lot of information on your site. I was wondering how long it took you to write it? I was also wondering how long it was before you started to 'monetize' the site? You mentioned you tried this before on another system - I suppose you were able to re-use what you had going then?

I also see that you have what appears to be a good return on your time (4 times salary). But the crunch for me is really what can I expect in return for the effort. All I see on your site is advertising through Adwords. What does this mean in real dollars per month? I want to sell a resums eBook, but people could download that and pass that on for free, so Adwords sounds like a less risky option, IF the money is there. Can you provide advice on my dilemma?

Yours sincerely

Hamish Hamilton

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Right Way with SBI
by: Anonymous

There are many questions...

...and here are my answers!

I am a lazy person. Adding insult to injury I have to do a full time job. In such a situation I find very little time for my internet activities. Anyway, I have taken almost four years to write information on this website.

As far as monetization is concerned, I use the most basic model. I use Adsense advertisements, Infolinks, Kontera context links and products. Having very little spare time I can't even think of other monetization models. SBI provides dozens of models and you may select one which suites to your interests, business, time and money.

I had built my first website on resalable products which are available everywhere with towering claims. But that website had failed badly. I could not use that information for this website. If you are interested to start a website on resume writing with SBI, you will have to write every word afresh as the SBI guru guides you. Otherwise success would go farther.

You can write book on resume writing and place at your site on password protected pages. Other people may not download freely but there are chances of a few thefts. But that shall not damage you too much as it is global economy. You may use your book, Adsense of Google, infolinks code and amazon products jointly to get the best out of your effort.


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