My iq...

by Olivia
(California )

Ok so I was curious to find out what my iq was so I went online and took an iq test and my score was 99.

So I was sort of disappointed because that basically falls in the lower average.

However, I'm 12 and the test I took was for adults. So that's pretty good right?

I don't know. Can someone explain this to me????

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by: Anonymous

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Good blog for everyone
by: Anonymous

I can say this is the perfect blog for everybody who read and post here everyday.

I don't know why I always visit here maybe its so nice to read here a interesting topics all day. So ill be back more to check more updates and new comments.

Your IQ
by: Anonymous

I will go with the opinion of majority on this website regarding online IQ tests. They are not correct in their results.

Furthermore, the IQ number in itself tells nothing unless deciphered by some expert psychologists.

Third, if the test is designed for the adults and you have taken it at the age of 12, the score is not bad at all.

So, don't be distracted with the results. Enjoy your studies, you are doing well.

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