Hard personality test training for smart performance

The companies are in business to maximize profits. An inferior recruitment is not only an opportunity cost for a right recruitment but also a business liability. That's why most of the employers use psychological tests to go for the best choice from the bunch of candidates. It is estimated that over a third of today's leading companies are using psychological tests in one form or the other.

What the candidates should do?

You need to understand what are personality tests? How do they gauge your personality? What criteria are used? What standards are adopted and how normalization is made? Do you need to harp upon weaknesses of the psychological tests?

By leaving these questions for experts to reply, I would suggest to prepare yourself before taking any aptitude or personality test. Obviously, this short article is not sufficient to prepare you for such a test. However, it will provide a few tips to help you start your training before encountering any psychological instrument. Go through them and practice test below to prepare for patterns that you will have to handle during your psychological session.

Free Online Pre-Employment Personality Test

What is a job description?

The first thing you should do when using any of the methods for personality test training is to determine what your employer is looking for in a candidate. Are they looking for someone who is good with people or someone who is highly efficient? Are they looking for a candidate who is a team player or someone who prefers to work independently? Sometimes, you can ask before the personality test what an employer is looking for in a job candidate. Once you have this information, you're set to train the personality test to your liking.

One of the most important of all of the methods for personality test training is to apply what you know your future employer is seeking, on the personality test itself. To do this, a vivid imagination helps but is not required. Get a list of personality traits similar to what your future employer is looking for, and write them down. Study these traits, and relate these characteristics to people that you know in your personal life. For instance, if your future employer is seeking someone who is good with people, and works well in teams, imagine someone in your life that fits that description excellently.

Free Online Pre-Employment Personality Test

How to model yourself?

Once you have an idea of who you want to “model” for your personality test, you can use one of the best methods for personality test training. This method is easy, once you know who to model the test after. On every question of the test, simply answer the test, as the person that you are modeling would answer.  For instance, if Jim is an outgoing person who is a good team player, ask yourself, “What would Jim do in this situation?”. Throughout the entire test, ask yourself this question on each item on the test.

Once you have the test modeled after someone you know that meets the personality requirements for the job or position that you are seeking, there are other methods for personality test training that can be used to your advantage. One of these methods is called “role-playing.” Role-playing involves you pretending to be someone else. If you've ever acted in a school play, you know what this is. If not, every step of the way in your interview, you force your personality to respond to different questions like an ideal job candidate would. Often, it is during the first actual interview that the results of the personality test are confirmed. For instance, if you scored well as an outgoing and friendly person on the personality test (but in reality, you are nervous with job interviews), you need to be as outgoing and helping as possible. Study friendly people in the public, if you do not know how to respond in a situation like this.

personality test training

These two methods for personality test training will ensure that you can beat a personality test. Just remember- your employer will expect you to act the way that the test scored you- so don't sell yourself as someone that you aren't. It's acceptable to embellish on a personality test, but don't outright lie- it will catch up to you in the end. 

Practice with Free Personality Tests

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