The Response to Low Black Intelligence Data

by Peter Carlos Hinds
(Barbados West Indies)


Firstly you are dealing with statistics. Which implies that all blacks are not inferior. But a certain majority (from my analysis of the data)are inferior.

What doctors and psychiatrist have to do? Is to identify the fallacies in black thought? Give it a name. Suggest a treatment. Then go from there.

But there is a problem. The same statistics show that whites have a lower Asians. Well the same thesis should be used here. Suggest a treatment for whites inferior to Asians. Given that there is a certain minority of whites who are not inferior to Asians. We could go on and on with Eskimos, Aboriginies etc etc.

The solution to the problem.

Is that doctors and psychiatrists have got to become trained in the law? The law clearly lays out who is to be corrected and who is to excel. In my opinion,the problem is not the intelligence of an individual. But the rights of an individual.

Peter Carlos Hinds.

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