Help in my Analysis?

by Sophia

What does it mean if you imagined a small ladder that is leaning against your floating cube (it ends at the top of your cube).

When the person who told me this personality thing originally they asked me if it looks easy to climb, and I said that if I was 2 inches tall that it would be very easy, because it was small (but long enough to get to the centre of the room where my cube was)but I guess at my current size it isn't.

Also, I imagined my cube as small, black and shiny, any idea what it means?

I maybe don't let people in some ways
but i dont think I put on a show, and maybe colours mean more of a show and black is just closed off.

I would like some input pweez :)

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Personality Analysis
by: Anonymous

Before helping you in analysis, I reiterate my advice that cube personality test is just a fun and it should be tackled so. Similarly, I neither attach any kind of reliability with the test nor with the results. I request all visitors to take the results same way. Now enjoy the analysis:

Your cube is small that means you shall small ego. It is black and shiny which means that you not only hide yourself from others but also paint a shiny of picture of a personality that you think people should understand of you. Furthermore, your cube is floating that means you are unpredictable at times. Your ladder is small and leaning towards the cube that means you have small goals but they are controlling most of your energies.

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