High IQ Score Is Not a Pride but a Responsibility!

by Neal

I have taken quite a number of IQ tests in my life, and had erroneously considered my genius level IQ to be a reasonable source of pride.

A number of years ago I realized that I am no more responsible for my ability to score highly on tests than I am for my shoe size.

While a high IQ might make life somewhat easier, in some respects, it also comes with a responsibility.

I have been given a gift that has allowed me to excel in ways that are impossible, or at least very difficult, for many others.

I have concluded that I have a moral responsibility to use my "gift" to try to make the world a bit better than it was before I arrived.

In other words ... use your talents with compassion and wisdom, or they are wasted, and you may as well be a low-grade moron.

I'm not some holy-roller type, but rather simply, just another human being trying to make my way through life in the pursuit of happiness.

My words: True freedom can only be attained upon the successful completion and discharge of one's duty.

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by: John

Low-grade morons is a pretty mean thing to say. I'm 16 and got a 122 iq. Pshh. That doesn't mean anything. Although I'm cocky like you, I know better than to say something like that, but I do agree on alot of what you said. Again, the IQ is not accurate at all (that's what I meant). The only way we can test that is if we analyze the human brain WHILE taking a "better" version of the modern-day IQ test. Still, humans are uncapable of knowing what they are capable of. Do you think monkeys know what they can actually do? We only know what we see in THIS place, and are only able to play with nature. If we can create a cell...good for us. Anyway...10 PM and I still need to do my WRLD HISTORY that's due tommarrow.

Intelligence does NOT equate wisdom
by: Anonymous

But you my friend, have discovered wisdom. I believe intelligence to be something of a relatively short-term and narrow (problem-solving) skill. It does not mean much without wisdom - if at all.

Wisdom is more self-reflecting, much more holistic - it encompasses very long-term "problem-solving"/analysis (up to a lifetime or beyond - time, location and history) through philosophy, ethics, morality, etc...

And responsibility is also a form of maturity, so many people don't take responsibilities for their actions (especially the bad ones). How can you learn from your mistakes if never acknowledge them in the first place?

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