I'm confused

by Ethan Caldwell
(HIghlands Ranch, Colorado, United States)

I quote you, "I don't know how was it calculated, but Einstein is considered one of the people having the highest IQ score. His IQ was 160. " Yet, I and many others, have scored above that.

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Einstein's IQ Level
by: Saqib Ali Ateel

Hello Ethan Caldwell

Thanks a lot for expressing your confusion. Let me clarify upfront that no IQ score can guarantee your success, whatever magical figure that may be. Even Einstein could not be Einstein merely with his supposedly IQ level. He had certain unique talents, skills, and bent of mind, and much more which made him as such.

Second, no IQ score can be taken in its raw form unless it is interpreted by a recognized psychologist. Furthermore, it is more important to see what test you are taking? Whether it is standardized? Whether results have been normalized? What are factors affect your IQ score?

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