by Jessica
I can personally attest that IQ scores can vary considerably. I have taken an IQ test three times in my life. I took it once as a child and scored 128. I took the test once as a teenager and scored just a little over 130. I took it the last time at the age of 22 and broke 140. Now I don't believe I got any smarter, I just attained more knowledge through education. I should add at this point that the last time I took it I had just completed two years of intensive and challenging visual arts education. After spending so much time developing my right brain abilities I could remember more number strings by visually grouping them. The spacial block puzzles became easier, and I could find the what's wrong with this picture items more quickly. To sum it up education obviously can cause you to score higher on an IQ test, but is your IQ really higher? I will agree that an IQ test can tell you if you are above average or mentally handicapped, but beyond that I don't know. I should also mention at this point that due to my score of 128 I was kept out of gifted until I was retested in high school. In order to be in gifted at that time you needed a score of 130. It seems to me that I was kept from reaching a higher IQ until a later date in my education because I was passed over for extra educational challenges due to two IQ points. I think this is something educators should be more aware of. Grade school, middle school, and most of high school were as a result of this exclusion very boring for me.
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Apr 04, 22 04:09 AM
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