by Leikar


Y'all people, well the majority of these people down in the comment are are bragging and being petty. Like seriously, stop saying what your IQ is especially if it's really high and if you are, say you're not trying to be rude like learn some manners. And if your IQ was even that high, I'm sure you wouldn't brag about it because to be honest, people who are smarter seem to be nicer at times and people who are less intelligent could be nice but also aren't as polite, Now, I'm sorry if I'm wrong and please correct me if I am. My IQ is 129 but guess what? I'm not trying to act like I don't know that's above average. Some of you people are saying," My IQ is 145, should I be worried or provoked?" Like if you were really that "smart" I'm sure you would know if you should be worried or not. Get your "merde" together and stop being petty. Also one more thing, stop bragging because that leads to you making others feel less happy, intelligent and yeah. If I'm wrong, tell me please. Thanks for taking your time if you even read this.

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